38/52- Urban traveller

A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, for the 3rd year of his life. 


Anakin: Any excuse to catch the train is a good one for you. You absolutely love it. As I still don’t have a license we’re mostly urban travellers when we’re just the two of us. Last weekend we spent an afternoon in the sunshine with some friends and their new baby. You were ecstatic running around their backyard playing with the dog, a wheelbarrow and some pieces of wood. Having to catch the train there and back was just an added bonus. 


I’m still without a computer which makes things trickier these days. But in some ways I’ve loved it. I like to unplug. It helps me refocus and spend more time doing things I love and that frankly are far more important. But I’ve been itching to get some time to write so hopefully this coming week I’ll get to scratch that itch.

We did our weekly shop today. After getting what we could at the market we went to the supermarket. As I was walking around gathering things and talking to Anakin it struck me how incredibly happy I was and how lovely it was to realise that in the middle of such a mundane task as shopping. Anakin was bubbling with happiness over a new digger we’d just picked up for him. He woke up earlier this week and told me how much he wanted a big, new yellow digger. He didn’t need one, but when we happened to stumble upon a really good, cheap one today I couldn’t help myself. His joy pays for whatever he gets over and over again. He’s not the kind that gives a new toy an hour of play and then forgets about it. He adores it, he takes it to bed and it is his prize possession for months on end. Believe me when I say that there’s usually a lot of construction vehicles taking up space in our bed before I move them to make room for myself at night. I can only imagine how happy he’ll be if I can find the book Goodnight, goodnight Construction site. 

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